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YongShin or YongSeo ? What Happens today ~
Friday 14 June 2013 | 05:08 | 0 comments

Hello everyone , its time to update my blog . lol my title " YongShin Or YongSeo ? " For me ofCourse YONGSHIN . I scroll my timeline twitter then I saw tweets about YONGSHIN and YONGSEO . what really happens ? ~ My English is so bad . Sorry !

Lets's read this .

@YongShinLover : Screaming SeoHyun when in facts it's CNBLUE's presscon ?? Do the boys look like Girl Generations ??? its fucking annoying . Screw those fans !!
For me , what YongShinLover said is true ! Really True , its not Girl Generations presscon ~

@sarah_doolier : I dont understand why they keep shouting her name ( SeoHyun ) are you so desprate ??! we never do dooliers never do that ! okay u just freaking deseprate ..

Oh Please GOGUMAS don't edit YongShin REAL photo to YONGSEO photo ~ i'm not hate YONGSEO i like seohyun too ! but for me yongshin is more real ~