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YongHwa Hyung with JungShin //
Tuesday 11 June 2013 | 07:50 | 0 comments

YongHwa to JungShin : Sometimes You're ....
JungShin : Sometimes I'm what ?
YongHwa : Sometimes You're annoying , but .........
JungShin (Interrupts) : When yongHwa doesn't see me at the hotel he looks for me !
JungShin : When we go overseas .we need to pair up for rooms . He Always look for me !
YongHwa : * Laughs *
JungShin : He says he can't sleep without me ~
JongHyun : It's strange . when we go to a hotel he'll say, "JungShin I'm Sleeping with you !
YongHwa : *Smile*
Jonghyun (as YongHwa) : " JungShin Let's sleep together in my room "
JongHyun : Minhyuk and I never do that .