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MinHyuk's updated CNBLUE twitter
Monday 24 June 2013 | 06:12 | 0 comments

@CNBLUE_4: 여러분 안녕하세요 전 더위를 이겨내며 잘 살아있습니다 앞으로더 더워질 여름에 삼계탕 추어탕 사드리고싶은 마음은 굴뚝같지마안! 제가 사드릴 수 없기 때문에..오늘밤 주변사람들과 함께 몸보신하고주무세요~!

[Really Rough Trans] @CNBLUE_4: Apparently he said that he's still alive and doing good even with the heat. MH's looking forward to take a hot shower during this summer and also loving the samgaetang & chuwotang. H. He wants to buy chimneys (?), but he can't do that. And he's gonna sleep together with people close to him tonight.