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TwitterUpdate ~ BlueMoonMelbourne
Friday 31 May 2013 | 07:56 | 0 comments

멘탈브레이커입니다. 와우~ 오늘 멜버른 공연도 정말 재밌게 잘끝났습니다~~!! 멜버른의 열기가 정말 뜨거워요! 시작부터 끝까지 춤추시는 여자분도 계속 생각나네요ㅋㅋ 내일 시드니 공연도 너무 기대됩니다!ㅋㅋ 그럼 저희는 체력보충을 충분히 하고 내일 시드니로 뿅~!! 굿나잇

TRANSLATIONBreaker is mental. Wow, really pleasantly Today Melbourne concert is over ~ ~! Open in Melbourne really is hot! Minutes from start to finish to continue dancing when I remember a girl in Sydney show ㅋ ㅋ too is expected tomorrow! ㅋ ㅋ So we are fully health supplements to Sydney tomorrow infront ~! Goodnight.

4.06 BLUEMOON Taipei
4.13 BLUEMOON Singapore
5.04 BLUEMOON Bangkok
5.11 BLUEMOON HongKong
5.25/26 BLUEMOON Seoul
5.30 BLUEMOON Melbourne
6.01 BLUEMOON Sydney
6.15 BLUEMOON Philippines
6.29 BLUEMOON Beijing
7.24/25 ZEPP Sapporo
7.29/30 ZEPP Nagoya
8.01/02 ZEPP Fukuoka
8.04 ROCK IN JAPAN Festival
8.06/07 ZEPP Tokyo
8.14/15 ZEPP Namba
8.24 BLUEMOON Malaysia
8.31 BLUEMOON Shanghai
9.07 BLUEMOON Guangzhou